University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Clinical Laboratory Science

It’s On!

The race for the most pledges is on TODAY between the SAHP and the College of Nursing. Let’s do this, Allied Health! If you haven’t done it already, take the green pledge (then remember to turn off lights and monitors). Simple.

Mar 8, 2011

Go, SAHP, Go!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 22, 2011, the School of Allied Health Professions will be up against the College of Nursing in a friendly competition to see which group can raise its pledge participation percentage the most in the UNMC LiveGreen pledge race. Let’s do it, people! If you haven’t already taken the pledge, please take it […]

Feb 21, 2011

Clinical Laboratory Science Student, Chelsey Jansen, attends International Conference

Chelsey Jansen, a clinical laboratory science (CLS) student, attended the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics 2011 International Conference to present, “A Day in the Life of a GOODLIFE Patient.” GOODLIFE Clinic is a SHARING Clinic dedicated to diabetic patients in the Omaha area. Chelsey is a SHARING Clinic Student Board Member and volunteer. She presented with Alexandra Brugler, a College of Medicine […]

Feb 8, 2011