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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Clinical Laboratory Science

State of the SAHP address

All faculty and staff in the school are strongly encouraged to attend the State of the SAHP address by senior associate dean Kyle Meyer on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in MSC 2018. Mark your calendars!

Sep 11, 2012

CLS holds Site Coordinators Meeting

The Clinical Laboratory Science Program (CLS) held its Affiliate Laboratory Site Coordinators Meeting on Wednesday, August 8, 2012. Seventeen Site Coordinators from Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska gathered for the day. This was also the last day of Student Laboratory for the 43 students who have been on campus since May 21st.  Following lunch with […]

Aug 17, 2012

Walkway on 4th floor is open!

Once again, we can travel from Bennett Hall to Sorrell without braving the heat!

Aug 2, 2012