University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Clinical Laboratory Science

Tennis Shoe Tuesdays: A new SAHP Wellness Committee program

Please bring your tennis shoes every Tuesday, September 17 through the end of October, and meet members of the SAHP Wellness Committee on the 3rd Floor of Bennett Hall at noon for a brief ( 10 to 30 minutes) walk during lunch time. If the weather permits, the walks take us outdoors, otherwise, we’ll use the […]

Sep 13, 2013

Let’s do this!

In case you missed it in UNMC Today, today, we’ll be starting up a new wellness activity September 1. It’s super easy to sign up (I just did it and the instructions are below). Also, it sounds super easy to participate (just track ANY kind of physical activity that you do for 10 minutes), so […]

Aug 19, 2013

Saying farewell to two long-time employees…

Join us at a dual retirement tea honoring Gail Hackendahl and Connie Mitchell on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 from 2:00-4:00 PM in the Linder Reading Room, MSC. Connie retired as program director of the radiography program after 42 years at UNMC. Gail is retiring from PT Ed after 26 years at UNMC. Please come and […]

Aug 15, 2013