University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Associate Dean’s Office

The Karen Linder Distinguished Professorship for Women’s Health: Dr. Pat Hageman

Yesterday, May 14, 2013, Patricia Hageman, PT, PhD, was honored with the Karen Linder Distinguished Professorship for Women’s Health. Pat Leuschen, PhD, assistant dean for research development, had this to say: What distinguishes Pat Hageman’s research role in the School and particularly in Women’s Health?  It is probably her commitment to promoting health through physical […]

May 15, 2013

Publication for RSTE faculty and graduate

Lisa Bartenhagen, Jana Koth, and Kayla Moore (a graduate of the UNMC Radiation Therapy program) published, “Cardiac Metastasis,” in Radiation Therapist, Volume 22, Number 1 from Spring 2013, p. 99. Congratulations!

May 13, 2013

Former cytotechnology director to give talk

Ms. Karen Linder, founding director of the School of Allied Health Professions Cytotechnology program, is a businesswoman, artist, and a published author. Ms. Linder will speak on “Leadership Lessons from the Women of Berkshire Hathaway,” on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 in MSC 2018 from 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

May 7, 2013