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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Thanks for all the support…

Thank you to all my supporters who donated and who came out to see me get my head shaved. In just a couple of days, we’ve raised over $400 for children’s cancer research. Not too shabby. You can watch the channel 6 news or check The Nebraska Medical Center website for video highlights. I’ll put pictures and links […]

Jul 16, 2010

Preview for Tomorrow's Head-Shaving…

So a few of us were discussing the St. Baldrick’s Foundation event tomorrow, July 16th at 2:00 p.m. in the DRC Commons, in which I will be getting my head shaved, and someone suggested that those who donate on my head should be allowed to sign my head. A reasonable request, and a good incentive. […]

Jul 15, 2010

A Close Shave for a Good Cause

This Friday, July 16th at 2:00 in the DRC Commons, I will be getting my head shaved. What if my dollar buys the Petri dish that ends up holding the cure? That was my first thought when I saw the article in UNMC Today about folks shaving their heads to raise money for cancer research. […]

Jul 14, 2010