University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Had to move the Forum again…so sorry!

We experienced an issue with our room scheduling this morning. The Faculty and Staff Forum scheduled at 3:30 PM today, September 8th, has been moved to MSC 2010. We apologize for all the notifications, but wanted to make certain everyone gets the word.

Sep 8, 2011

New location for forum this afternoon

The Faculty and Staff Forum scheduled at 3:30 PM today, September 8th, has been moved to MSC 2010 for more seating. See you there!

Sep 8, 2011

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Kudos

Kim Michael received 2nd place in the SDMS Scientific  Presentation Competition for a scientific summary paper titled, “The Implementation of Standardized Patients in Evaluating the Clinical Competence of Sonography Students.” Kim Michael, Danielle Nelson, and Anna Ortmeier, were published in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, “Raine Syndrome” Vol 27, Issue 4, August 2011. Congratulations!

Aug 22, 2011

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