Alumni Association – Connections Project
Shalis Ammons, PhD’16 and Prathamesh Patil, PhD’18 have both used the professional networking platform, LinkedIn, to create a strong digital presence and land jobs since graduating from UNMC. This week, Drs. Ammons and Patil share practical steps students and alumni can take to maximize their profile’s search engine optimization and positively market themselves to potential […]
Jun 4, 2021
This Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, learn about the ancient Chinese form of martial arts, Tai Chi. This practice has many health benefits and is an outcome-based program that decreases risk of falls in seniors. In this week’s Connections Project Blog, Holly Warth, RN, BSN, ’78, ’80 teaches us about Tai Chi, where it comes […]
May 26, 2021
Self Care & Maintaining Balance
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we know things have been especially difficult over the last year. On this week’s Connections Project Blog, Tunisia Ellis Penta, Clinical Perfusion ’02 shares how she prioritizes her self-care, both mentally and physically, in order to maintain balance in her life. If you are struggling with your mental health, you […]
May 19, 2021
Today starts National Nurses Week and it’s also graduation week at UNMC! In honor of both of these events, we have advice for young alumni from Aaron Moore, MSN, RN ’09. His insight is helpful for not only nursing graduates, but all alumni. One piece of advice he offers: remember your “why” and that will […]
May 6, 2021
What is a Clinical Perfusionist?
Next week (May 2-8) is Perfusion Appreciation Week and so we wanted to highlight these important medical professionals by shining a spotlight on what they do. Scott Sanderson, MPS, CCP, LP (Clinical Perfusion ’12), shares in the video below, the vital role perfusionists play, not only in cardiac surgery, but in research and education. Scott […]
Apr 28, 2021
Happy Medical Laboratory Professionals Week!
Did you know that 70-80% of all medical decisions are based on the precise results of the medical laboratory scientist? This week is a special time where we get to recognize these dedicated healthcare professionals and say thank you for the vital work they do. We had an opportunity to catch up with Brad Hays […]
Apr 21, 2021
Alumni and students now have a dedicated online community to connect for networking, mentoring, interprofessional groups, and discussion boards. The community, UNMC Alumni Connections, is managed by the Alumni Relations Office and was created in partnership with industry leader, PeopleGrove. It was first made available to alumni earlier this month. Individuals who are interested in signing […]
Apr 14, 2021
Living Within Your Financial Means
Aurora Le, PhD, MPH’16 knows how to manage her money. After financing her BA, MPH and PhD on her own, she graduated debt-free and now owns her own home and paid off her used car in a year! So, how did she do this? Dr. Le shares a few tips on how she lives within […]
Apr 9, 2021
#ILoveNU Week is now behind us, but giving back to your community or alma mater is something you can do year-round! Mike Moravec, PT, DPT’04, OCS and Lisa Moravec, RDH’02, MSDH share below what motivates them to give back of their time, talent and treasure.
Mar 31, 2021
Advocate for the University of Nebraska
We’re in the midst of #ILoveNU Week, and we love seeing our alumni celebrate by sharing their story on social media, contacting their senator and wearing UNMC colors. Another important way alumni can show their love is by advocating for the University of Nebraska. Below, Jeff Hines, PharmD’82 shares why he advocates for the NU […]
Mar 24, 2021
UNMC Today Headlines
Education, Inside UNMC