Category: General

A collection of blog posts featuring UNMCAA updates, holiday celebrations and recognition of various professions.

Happy Medical Laboratory Professionals Week!

Did you know that 70-80% of all medical decisions are based on the precise results of the medical laboratory scientist? This week is a special time where we get to recognize these dedicated healthcare professionals and say thank you for the vital work they do. We had an opportunity to catch up with Brad Hays […]

Apr 21, 2021

Join our online community

Alumni and students now have a dedicated online community to connect for networking, mentoring, interprofessional groups, and discussion boards.   The community, UNMC Alumni Connections, is managed by the Alumni Relations Office and was created in partnership with industry leader, PeopleGrove. It was first made available to alumni earlier this month.  Individuals who are interested in signing […]

Apr 14, 2021

Happy Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day!

These #unmcalumni are the food and nutrition experts. They take the science of nutrition and turn it into practical solutions for healthy living. Thank you for the important role you play in the well-being of each patient you serve. This week, to celebrate, we have a video recipe provided by Rebecca Kraay, MMN, RDN, LMNT […]

Mar 10, 2021

Happy New Year!

Please enjoy this brief message from University of Nebraska Medical Center Chancellor, Jeffrey P. Gold, MD to our #unmcalumni. And happy 2nd birthday to this blog! We hope you enjoy the contents of it and invite you to share it with your alumni colleagues!

Jan 1, 2021

2020: A Year in Review

This year has challenged us all, but we have much to be proud of. We are so proud of all our alumni who worked so hard this year in the battle against COVID-19. As 2020 comes to a close, we wanted to share with you this brief video recap of our year. We look forward […]

Dec 21, 2020

Season’s Greetings!

Happy Holidays to you and yours! We have a present for you, by way of this beautiful holiday medley performed by Bill Schlichtemeier, MD ’73. Enjoy!

Dec 16, 2020

Honoring Our Veterans

In honor of Veterans Day, take a moment to listen as three UNMC alumni veterans share their experiences in the military. We are grateful to our students, faculty, staff and alumni who have served or are currently serving. You set an example in living out UNMC’s values of teamwork, excellence, accountability and courage. To all […]

Nov 11, 2020

Thank You From the Deans of UNMC

2020 has been an unprecedented year to say the least, however, there are still so many ways in which we can all be grateful. We would like all UNMC alumni to know how appreciative we are of you. Many of you are serving on the front lines, others are conducting vital research, caring for patients, […]

Oct 8, 2020

A Special Edition of Class Notes

Extra, extra, read all about it! Our Special Edition of Class Notes is here! It’s digital, it’s interactive and it’s super informative! In this edition:– Meet the Alumni Office Team– Learn about new projects and initiatives– Read class notes and see what #unmcalumni have been up to

Sep 23, 2020