Author: Hohenstein, Laura J
A UNMC Mentorship Success Story
“The most important role that I have is to listen. My role as a mentor is to understand my mentee’s passion and where they want to fit in at the end of our mentorship.” Jeff Hines, PharmD’82 One of the most valuable relationships in the professional world is that of a mentor and mentee. This […]
Jan 19, 2022
Adi Pour, PhD’86, MS’83 knows a thing or two about leadership. As the retired Director of the Douglas County Health Department, Dr. Pour spent nearly 20 years serving as a leader in healthcare. She has been recognized many times for her passion for promoting health equity, eliminating health disparities and providing opportunities for all to […]
Dec 8, 2021
Happy December! This month, we celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa, and we hope you are able to safely enjoy these holidays with loved ones and enter the new year feeling refreshed. Please enjoy the brief message below from the UNMC Alumni Relations team as we wish you a happy holiday season!
Dec 1, 2021
Raised by two philanthropic parents, Katie Garcia, DDS’10 has always been inclined to give back to the organizations that have helped her become who she is today. Dr. Garcia shares more about her motivations to support UNMC through financial gifts in this week’s Connections Project Blog video. Thank you to the alumni and friends who […]
Nov 23, 2021
National Rural Health Day (NRHD) is celebrated each year on the third Thursday of November. This day “is an opportunity to “Celebrate the Power of Rural” by honoring the selfless, community-minded spirit that prevails in rural America. NRHD showcases the efforts of rural healthcare providers, State Offices of Rural Health and other rural stakeholders to […]
Nov 17, 2021
The UNMC Alumni Association recognizes the service and sacrifice our Veterans, service members and their families have given. On this Veterans Day (and everyday), we thank you for your service. To recognize this important day, we spoke with three military-connected members of the UNMC community. In this video, alumni Peter W. Hunt, MPA-C’87 (US Army […]
Nov 11, 2021
Communication in a Professional Setting
By Ryan Bristol APRN’17, FNP-C Navigating conversations with people who share a different set of beliefs, and/or education level is a skill that is vastly underrated. We all have colleagues who share different views and may even be difficult to get along with. However, we do share core values to some extent with these colleagues. The shared core values (wanting to help people) create […]
Oct 20, 2021
Advice for First-Generation Students
10% of this year’s medical school class at UNMC are first-generation students, meaning neither of their parents hold a bachelor’s or higher degree. First-generation students face a number of barriers in their pursuit of postsecondary education, and research shows that first-gen students are half as likely as their peers to enroll in graduate programs after […]
Sep 23, 2021
Advice to Current UNMC Students
Yesterday, the University of Nebraska announced that for the 21st straight year, student enrollment at UNMC set a record high with 4,387 students enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year. This represents an increase of 3.5% over last year’s record of 4,239. In light of this news, we wanted to share some advice to our new […]
Sep 9, 2021
The Importance of Maintaining Connections with Classmates
Your UNMC classmates have been through a lot with you. You spent hours studying, stressed over exams — and celebrated being done with those exams — attended events together, and more. You stood next to one another at graduation and as each of you accomplished your goals. Jessica Semin, BSN’15, MPH’17, DNP’21 has stayed in […]
Sep 2, 2021
UNMC Today Headlines

Inside UNMC, UNMC Community
Dr. Davies’ all-campus forum is today

UNMC Community