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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Kudos

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Kudos

Kim Michael received 2nd place in the SDMS Scientific  Presentation Competition for a scientific summary paper titled, “The Implementation of Standardized Patients in Evaluating the Clinical Competence of Sonography Students.” Kim Michael, Danielle Nelson, and Anna Ortmeier, were published in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, “Raine Syndrome” Vol 27, Issue 4, August 2011. Congratulations!

Aug 22, 2011

Corrine Hanson to Speak at Wellness Conference

One of our faculty, SAHP’s nutritionist and educator, Corrine Hanson, Ph.D., will speak during the 14th Omaha Women’s Health and Wellness Conference. Her topic will be: Food for Thought: The Link Between Nutrition and Brain Health. She will address evidence that supports the role of nutrition in the growth and function of a healthy brain. […]

Aug 18, 2011

Another publication for the school

Grace Johnson just had a case management report published: Johnson GC. Physical Therapy Management of a Patient with Cervicothoracic Dysfunction and Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Case Report. Orthop Phys Ther Prac. 2011;23(3):133-138. Congratulations, Grace! (Email Fran if you’d like a copy of the report.)

Aug 10, 2011