University of Nebraska Medical Center

Get library full-text via EndNote 20

We now have a method to allow EndNote 20 users to access library full-text journal articles from their reference lists.

In the EndNote desktop app:

  1. Go to the Preferences box (Windows: Edit > Preferences; Mac: EndNote > Preferences). Select Find Full-Text.
  2. Enter this URL in the OpenURL Path box: https://unmc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/openurl/01UON_NMC/01UON_NMC:UNMC 
  3. Click Apply and OK.

When you import references from PubMed, CINAHL, Google Scholar, and the other literature databases, right-click the reference you want to check for full-text availability and select “OpenURL Link.”

EndNote will direct you to the library catalog, where you can access the full-text article or make a request through Interlibrary Loan.

Instructions with images are available on the library’s EndNote research guide.  

Are you a Zotero user? See our Zotero guide for instructions.


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