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University of Nebraska Medical Center

If you write, you need an ORCID

ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) provides a free, persistent digital identifier that allows you to manage a record of your authorship and research activities. 

Author ambiguity in the scholarly research community is a persistent problem due to similar or commons names, name changes, and cultural differences in name presentation. ORCID allows you to distinguish yourself from other researchers and to unambiguously associate your identity with your scholarly work. ORCID is integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services. At University of Nebraska Medical Center, your ORCID profile will be linked to your Research Nebraska profile

Your ORCID iD:

  • distinguishes you and ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you
  • reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations
  • reduces form-filling (enter data once, re-use it often)
  • improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs
  • is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers)
  • is persistent (enduring)

To learn how to set up an ORCID ID, have your account associated with your UNMC Net ID, and link your articles with Scopus, see the registration handout below. Questions? Email askus@unmc.edu

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