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University of Nebraska Medical Center

McGoogan News

Dr. Machajewski to Present and Lead AI Workshop

Event: AI-Driven Transformation: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Education and Professional Excellence 
Date: Tuesday, April 8 
Time: 9:30–10:30 a.m. CDT (Presentation) | 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. CDT (Workshop) 
Location: CON 1010 and online via Zoom

UNMC faculty and staff are invited to AI-Driven Transformation: Shaping the Future of Healthcare on Tuesday, April 8. This will be a hybrid event on the UNMC Omaha campus (CON 1010) and online via Zoom. Attendees will hear from Dr. Szymon Machajewski, a leader in AI and learning analytics. Following his presentation, Dr. Machajewski will lead a workshop. View the event flyer.

Event schedule:

  • 9:30–10:30 a.m. CDT | Presentation
    • From Perceptrons to Professional Practice: AI’s Integrative Role in Healthcare Education 
      • Szymon Machajewski, PhD 
  • 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. CDT | Workshop
    • AI Automation for Academic Projects 
      • Optional: Bring a laptop 

Participants can earn a non-credit badge by attending both sessions.  

Lunch will be provided for the first 30 in-person RSVPs for the workshop. Reply by Tuesday, April 1 with your lunch preference. 

Questions or to RSVP for lunch workshop contact Suhasini Kotcherlakota. 

Event sponsored by UNMC Universal Design for Leaning Grant (College of Nursing) and McGoogan Health Sciences Library. 

Grab a snack to kick off For the Greater Good

UNMC students, along with faculty and staff, are invited to stop by McGoogan Library on Level 6 of Wittson Hall, Wednesday, March 26 and grab a snack. Snacks will be available starting at noon until they’re gone. 

Learn more about how you can support the library during For the Greater Good in this recent blog post. 

Author Maria Smilios to present at Davis Lecture

Event: Sickness & Stigma at Sea View: The Black Angels 
Date: Wednesday, April 16 
Time: noon–1 p.m. CDT 
Location: MSC 1010 and via Zoom 

Discover the true story of the Black Angels at the 16th annual Richard B. Davis, MD, PhD History of Medicine Lecture on Wednesday, April 16 from noon–1 p.m. in-person (MSC 1010) and online via Zoom (registration required). 

Author Maria Smilios learned about the Black Angels while working as a science book editor at Springer Publishing. As a native New Yorker and lover of history, medicine, and women’s narratives, she became determined to tell their story.  

“The Black Angels” is the true story of the Black nurses who, in 1929, wagered their lives by leaving the Jim Crow south and went north to work on an isolated hilltop in Staten Island at Sea View Hospital. The “pest house” was an overcrowded municipal tuberculosis sanatorium where the city sent its poorest residents, considered “uncouth and un-American consumptives” to languish and die.   

Individuals interested in attending the lecture can do so in person (MSC 1010) or register to attend via Zoom. Boxed lunches will be available to the first 30 in-person attendees. 

Book Giveaway

The library will hold a drawing for signed copies of Maria’s book, The Black Angels: The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis. Individuals can enter online. 

Meet and Greet Opportunities

Connect with award-winning author, keynote speaker, and adjunct lecturer, Maria Smilios during one of two meet & greet sessions. Chat with Maria during these small group sessions and learn more about the historic nurses called the Black Angels. As tuberculosis and other infectious diseases remain a concern, discover how previously untold stories from our past can inform current strategies for combating health disparities. Bring your questions. Snacks will be provided for in-person attendees. 

Wednesday, April 16 

  •  9–10 a.m. CDT | CNS 40118 or via Zoom  
  • 3–4 p.m. CDT | COPH 3001 or via Zoom  

About Maria Smilios 

Maria Smilios is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and adjunct lecturer at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. She was born and raised in New York City. She holds a Master of Arts in American literature and religion from Boston University where she was a Luce and Presidential scholar. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, Narratively, The Forward, Lit Hub, Writers Digest, The Emancipator, Newsweek, and other publications.   

The Black Angels won the 2024 Christopher Award in literature, which celebrates works that “affirm the highest values of the human spirit.” It was also a finalist for the prestigious Gotham Book Prize, an NASW Science in Society Journalism finalist, an NPR Science Friday Summer Read for 2024, and shortlisted for the English PEN literary award.   

New York City and State recently honored Maria for “outstanding service” and “positive contribution” to the people of New York. The book greatly informed and inspired the Staten Island Museum’s exhibit “Taking Care: The Black Angels of Sea View,” which is on display through the end of 2025.    

About the Davis Lecture

The Richard B. Davis, MD, PhD, History of Medicine Lectureship brings national experts to the UNMC campus to discuss the history of medicine in support of special collections at the McGoogan Library, including rare books and works on the history of medicine. The lectureship is supported through an endowed fund given by the late Richard B. Davis (1926-2010), MD, PhD, who was a UNMC faculty member from 1969 to 1994 and professor emeritus of internal medicine at UNMC. Dr. Davis and his wife, Jean, provided support for the lectureship out of his longstanding interest in the history of medicine. 

View previous Davis Lecture recordings.

Support the library during For the Greater Good

From noon-noon on March 26-27, support UNMC students and the people, programs and patients of Nebraska Medicine during For the Greater Good. 

For the Greater Good is UNMC’s and Nebraska Medicine’s 24-hour online giving event during which alumni, students, faculty, staff, grateful patients and the community at large come together to raise money for scholarships, programs, student groups, patient assistance and other activities. 

Ways you can support McGoogan Library

  • Give to the Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library  
  • Share why you give, volunteer and support UNMC and Nebraska Medicine on your social media channels. Be sure to use #GreaterGoodGivingDay and tag the library: @unmclibrary on Instagram and Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library on Facebook. 

Your Donation’s Impact

A $25 donation can: 

  • Help offset the cost of our Maker Studio space and keep it free for UNMC students 
  • Help the library continue to provide the widest range of freely accessible resources to UNMC students, faculty and staff 
  • Keep the student study rooms bright and welcoming 
  • Help support scanning and digitization of our online exhibits 

A $75 donation gets you a custom hat and can: 

  • Buy bananas and health snacks for 30 UNMC students during de-stress week 
  • Help the library welcome students statewide with swag bags  
  • Provide one hour of oral history transcription 
  • Help support outreach at health fairs and community events 

Update to Campus Lighting System Scheduled

From 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5 through 1 a.m. Thursday, March 6, facilities will be updating the campus lighting system. This update may cause lighting controls to not be available, lights may turn on or off, go to full brightness, or gently flash as the system reboots. This update will only affect lighting. No power outlets, equipment, etc. will be affected by this upgrade. 

Thank you for your understanding.