What is the Connections Project?

A place for UNMC Alumni to share real-world information and advice with students and fellow #unmcalumni. Information will be in short blog posts and videos. Content will live in the blog, but will be shared across the UNMC Alumni Association’s Facebook and Twitter.

Goals of the Connections Project:

  • Connect alumni and students with the UNMCAA
  • Connect alumni and students together

Topics covered will be wellbeing, professional skills, personal finance, time, talent, and treasure. If you want to see a specific topic covered or if you want to provide content for a blog post, let us know! And, you can participate in this from anywhere in the world through technology!


  • Sustaining your calling
  • Maintaining balance
  • The importance of having a mentor
  • Maintaining your connections
  • Networking
  • Time Management
  • How to cook 5 simple meals from scratch

Professional Skills

  • CVs and Resumes
  • Interviewing Tips
  • Negotiating Salary
  • Organization
  • Compassion in healthcare; treating the whole person
  • Tips for professional communication

Personal Finance

  • Buying health insurance
  • Paying off debt
  • Student loans
  • Buying a car
  • Saving for retirement
  • Budgeting
  • Credit Cards
  • Obtaining/maintaining a good credit score
  • Taxes
  • Creating a will

Time, Talent & Treasure

  • Philanthropy: how you can make a difference
  • Volunteering: why giving back matters
  • Mentoring: the importance of being one

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