The Importance of a Mentor

Ernest Sigler, DDS ’75 has had the opportunity throughout his career to be mentored and to mentor others. Today he shares a few experiences he had while serving in the military–how people found him to be supportive because he took the time to listen and how others in his life took the time to mentor him. “I would not be where I am today without the mentoring I received nor the mentoring I was able to give for the rest of my career. It really, really helped me.”

Whether you are a current student at UNMC, a recent graduate early in your career or a seasoned professional, everyone can use someone to share insight with and to glean advice from. And now the UNMC Alumni Association has made it easier than ever to find that someone or even several of them.

In April 2021, the UNMCAA launched an online community, UNMC Alumni Connections. This is a dedicated place for alumni and students to connect through messaging, meetings, groups, discussion boards and more. Through a matching quiz, you can find others who you share personal and/or professional alignment and then reach out to connect with them. Learn more here.

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