Category: Philanthropy
A collection of blog posts related to giving of your time, talent and treasure.
Carol Swarts, MD ‘59, shares her thoughts on the importance of giving back to the University of Nebraska and your community. “If you don’t work for anything or don’t give it back, it doesn’t mean as much. I consider myself a caretaker, and I feel like I owe Nebraska. I was born here, but also, […]
Dec 6, 2023
Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for our University’s Future
On November 18th, the University of Nebraska announced the public launch of Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future. The campaign is a historic effort to encourage at least 150,000 benefactors to give $3 billion to support University of Nebraska students, faculty, academic programs and research to address the needs of the state. […]
Dec 5, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving week! We hope you are able to relax with friends and family and enjoy a break from school and work. In the spirit of giving thanks and giving back, we have a video from three-time alumna Jessica Semin, DNP’21, MPH’17, BSN’15, who embodies what it means to give back. In this quick message, […]
Nov 23, 2022
Getting Involved – Giving Back
Sara May, MD’09, is no stranger to the variety of ways in which someone can give back to an organization. The gifts of one’s time, talent, and treasure are all ways to show your support and help others, and in the case of UNMC, to support the next generation of healthcare leaders. During the month […]
Jan 5, 2022
Raised by two philanthropic parents, Katie Garcia, DDS’10 has always been inclined to give back to the organizations that have helped her become who she is today. Dr. Garcia shares more about her motivations to support UNMC through financial gifts in this week’s Connections Project Blog video. Thank you to the alumni and friends who […]
Nov 23, 2021
Why I Volunteer on the Alumni Council
Each member of our Alumni Councils bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table, and we appreciate every one of them! Sara May, MD’09, Internal Medicine’13 shares why she volunteers on the UNMC College of Medicine Alumni Council. Serving on your profession’s Alumni Council is a fantastic leadership opportunity and a way to give […]
Jun 23, 2021
Preparation from UNMC & Giving Back
Carol Swarts, MD’59 feels very strongly that her medical school education at UNMC prepared her for her career and it’s ultimately why she feels it is so important to give back to support the next generation of healthcare leaders.
Jun 16, 2021
#ILoveNU Week is now behind us, but giving back to your community or alma mater is something you can do year-round! Mike Moravec, PT, DPT’04, OCS and Lisa Moravec, RDH’02, MSDH share below what motivates them to give back of their time, talent and treasure.
Mar 31, 2021
Advocate for the University of Nebraska
We’re in the midst of #ILoveNU Week, and we love seeing our alumni celebrate by sharing their story on social media, contacting their senator and wearing UNMC colors. Another important way alumni can show their love is by advocating for the University of Nebraska. Below, Jeff Hines, PharmD’82 shares why he advocates for the NU […]
Mar 24, 2021
Giving of Your Time & Sharing of Your Talents
Time, talent, and treasure — all important gifts to share with others and the world. Hear how Grant Turner, M.D. ’15 gives of his time and shares his talents with those in need. There are so many ways in which we can all make a difference.
Jan 31, 2020
UNMC Today Headlines
Inside UNMC, UNMC Community