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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Allied Health Blog

Today's Research Seminar Postponed

Today’s research seminar scheduled at noon in BTH 2020 is being postponed. We will send rescheduling information at a later date.

Aug 18, 2010

Faculty members — get your picture taken on Sept. 15

A photographer will be available on Wednesday, Sept. 15 between 10 a.m. and noon to shoot free professional head shots for faculty members. The photo shoots — which should last just a few minutes each — will take place in the atrium outside of the Truhlsen Campus Events Center in the Sorrell Center. If you […]

Aug 16, 2010

Welcome Marnie Imhoff to the CLS Team

The Clinical Laboratory Science Program would like to introduce our newest member. Marnie Imhoff, MBA, MT(ASCP) joined the program in June as the CLS Program’s Clinical Education Coordinator. Marnie is responsible for the coordination of the thirty-plus students that complete nine-months of their didactic and clinical education via distance in health care facilities across Nebraska, […]

Aug 13, 2010