University of Nebraska Medical Center

Allied Health Blog

Friday Night at the Grind…

UPDATE: It was a great show! Thanks to those who made it a fun night. If you missed it, you’ll have another opportunity to hear Chuck and I at the Talent Tuesdays show on October 5th from noon-1:00pm in BTH 2020. You may not know this, but Chuck Brown, from public relations, plays a mean […]

Sep 8, 2010

Kudos to our 2010 Radiation Therapy Grads!

The 2010 graduates from the radiation therapy program have all successfully completed their national board exams with a pass rate of 100%! One graduate ranked in the 100th percentile in comparison to the national average with 3 others ranking in the 99th percentile. If anyone knows of a facility with radiation therapy openings, tell them […]

Sep 8, 2010

Update from the Bartenhagens

The last of the baskets was delivered on Wednesday, September 1, 2010. Broc had 3 surgeries in total and is recovering well. It is now a waiting game to see how successful the surgeries were in reducing Broc’s seizures. He will need some rehabilitation, but hopefully he will excel and learn much more.  Lisa is […]

Sep 3, 2010