University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Extended Family

Extended family publishes

In case you missed the blurb in UNMC Today this morning, Greg Higgins, campus security corporal (and my spouse), published six photographs in the newest issue of Plains Song Review, including the cover shot. This is the twelfth volume of the peer reviewed journal out of the Center for Great Plains Studies at UNL, which publishes […]

Apr 23, 2010


Stephanie and Adam Stevens dropped in to the Dean’s suite to introduce Logan. What a handsome family!

Apr 15, 2010


It’s Spring and a great time to start walking again. We circled the ice rink a few times and ran the stairs on the east side of it to work off the SAHP potluck. Here’s Maggie “Balboa” with her victory dance.

Apr 15, 2010

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