University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Former Faculty Retires

Mary Jo Mays, former SAHP PT faculty retired and this video tribute shows, according to one source, that she “hasn’t changed a bit!” http://www.bradley.edu/academics/ehs/dpt/maystribute.htm

Aug 25, 2010

Green Tips

Saving energy and money just makes good sense. Here are a couple of tips we can use here in the school to help out: 1) Turn off lights in the conference rooms, breakrooms, and offices when you leave. 2) Unplug appliances that are not in use (i.e., pencil sharpeners, hole punchers, coffee pots, toasters). They […]

Aug 24, 2010

Social Hour and Award Presentation

Last Tuesday morning, faculty and staff in the SAHP met in the Bennett Hall Reading Room to socialize over bagels and coffee, courtesy of our rewards and recognition committee. The gathering provided a great opportunity for the committee to present Sue Prusia with a framed Silver U poster, the first of its kind for the school. Prusia, […]

Aug 23, 2010