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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Volunteer work by PT Faculty highlighted in Fremont Tribune

The September 7th 2010 edition of the Fremont Tribune highlighted the family friendly nature of the Joslyn Art Museum of Omaha. The journalist, Dean Jacobs, participated in guided tours and quoted comments made by the Museum’s trained docents, including SAHP’s Pat Hageman, PT, PhD. A picture and comments made by Hageman are featured in the […]

Sep 16, 2010

Raffle Baskets for the Fun Run

If you haven’t seen the baskets being raffled at the Fun Run this Saturday, September 18th, you gotta check ’em out! You can visit them in person between noon and 1:00pm on Thursday or Friday in Bennett Hall 3012. The committee has done a fantastic job putting these baskets together and organizing Saturday’s event. (Kudos, […]

Sep 15, 2010

Friday Night at the Grind…

UPDATE: It was a great show! Thanks to those who made it a fun night. If you missed it, you’ll have another opportunity to hear Chuck and I at the Talent Tuesdays show on October 5th from noon-1:00pm in BTH 2020. You may not know this, but Chuck Brown, from public relations, plays a mean […]

Sep 8, 2010