University of Nebraska Medical Center

Radiation therapy faculty garner 2-yr ASRT grant

Jana Koth and Lisa Bartenhagen are co-PIs on a two-year, $10k ASRT Foundation Research Grant, “A Video Intervention for Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study.”

They wrote the grant, with assistance from Matt Fitzgerald and Laura Bilek, PhD, to determine if viewing an educational video using VERT images reduces anxiety in persons undergoing radiation therapy for head and neck cancer compared with standard written materials.

The research team members are Weining Zhen, M.D., Radiation Oncology; Nathan Bennion, M.D., Radiation Oncology, resident; Lisa Bartenhagen, MS, RT(R)(T), Radiation Therapy Program Director and Associate Professor, Cindy Arneson, RN, Radiation Oncology, and Jana Koth, MPH, RT(R)(T), Clinical Education Coordinator, Radiation Therapy Education.

1 comment

  1. Michael Huckabee says:

    Congratulations, Jana and Lisa. Anything we can do to reduce anxiety among our patients will lead to better patient outcomes. Looking forward to this great project.

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