University of Nebraska Medical Center

Mia Hyde honored with 2021 PAEA Clinical Education Award

The Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) Clinical Education Award recognizes a program faculty or staff member with a minimum of three years of experience coordinating the clinical education of PA students.

Since 2016, Mia Hyde has served as Director of Clinical Development at the Division of Physician Assistant Education at tince 2016, Mia Hyde has served as Director of Clinical Development at the Division of Physician Assistant Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Ms. Hyde leads a collaborative Clinical Education Team that identifies individual student interests, clinical rotation goals, and career aspirations. This is done through an initial presentation to students regarding rotation opportunities, followed by individual meetings which seek to identify students’ interest in rotation specialties and settings, identify locations with a support system for the student, and discuss potential challenges to clinical education. After these meetings are completed, Ms. Hyde works to provide students with a clinical education experience that best meets their needs.

Additionally, Ms. Hyde has worked diligently to assure all the program’s preceptors stay “in the know” on UNMC PA education by creating a preceptor newsletter and a preceptor website, both of which she maintains.

For more about all the awards, including videos, click here.

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