University of Nebraska Medical Center

Students connect with State Senators

Submitted by Pat Hageman, PT, PhD, FAPTA

On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 57 representatives from UNMC’s doctor of physical therapy (DPT) Class of 2019 joined UNMC faculty in attending a Legislative Day Breakfast, hosted by the Nebraska Physical Therapy Association (NPTA), as part of an experiential learning opportunity in their Practice Management course.

Based upon their hometown and current residences, UNMC students represented over 25 of the Unicameral’s 49 districts. Students visited with Senators and staffers from their respective districts, listened to presentations from Senators Howard and Lindstrom, and received recognition during their visit in the gallery in the Unicameral chamber.

DPT student Anthony Rost, commented how “memorable it was to have such accessibility to our Senator (Mark Kolterman),” noting his fellow students and he felt “it was clear that the Senators truly want to hear from their constituents to work toward improvements in policy.”

Assistant Professor and NPTA Secretary, Dr. Sara Bills remarked, “Legislative Day provides the students with an early experience in advocacy for their future patients and their profession. I was proud to witness the UNMC students demonstrating exceptional professionalism and a high level of engagement with the Senators and staffers!”

1 comment

  1. Gregory Karst says:

    Kudos to our CAHP students for being politically active! I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Bill’s positive comments about the level of professionalism that this activity represented. Being recognized while in the gallery is an honor, and demonstrates that students can have a strong voice at all levels of government and administration. Congratulations to all involved in this excellent endeavor.

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