University of Nebraska Medical Center

2014 PA grads have 100% pass rate!

Our physician assistant (PA) program graduates from the Class of 2014, graduating this past December, all passed the PA National Certifying Exam (PANCE) on their first attempts.

Michael Huckabee, PhD, MPAS, PA-C, director of the PA program, reported that this is the first time since 2010 that they’ve regained the 100% pass rate for first-time takers (compared to a 95% national first-time taker pass rate for 2014). The UNMC PA five-year pass rate for first attempts is 98%, compared to the 94% national five-year average.

“We’re very proud of the 44 PA graduates from the Class of 2014, all finding a rewarding job market and each one with employment in patient care as PAs,” said Dr. Huckabee.

Indeed, we are. Congratulations!

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