University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Featured Stories

Jane Meza, PhD, Biostatistics Research in Public Health

Spotlight on Research at COPH – Dr. Jane Meza’s work involves planning, conducting, and analyzing research studies. Biostatistics is used in public health to study the causes, progression, and treatment of disease. Biostatistical methods are used to carefully design public health studies and to analyze the data. Dr. Meza has worked on studies covering a […]

Feb 15, 2012

Health Disparities in Heart Disease: A Heartbreaking Reality

Public Health Community Advisory – Advances in public health and medicine have increased life expectancy for all Americans, with the average lifespan exceeding 70 years for all races and both genders. However, stark health disparities continue to exist, with low-income populations and minorities experiencing higher rates of illness and death at earlier ages. Cardiovascular disease […]

Feb 15, 2012

The Great Plains Public Health Training Center

Public Health in the National News – The UNMC College of Public Health is pleased to announce the Great Plains Public Health Training Center (PHTC), a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded PHTC. PHTCs are partnerships between accredited schools of public health, related academic institutions, and public health agencies and organizations. The PHTC program is […]

Feb 15, 2012

Pinaki Panigrahi, MD, PhD – Professor of Epidemiology and Pediatrics

Spotlight on Research at COPH Antibiotics have been used for many decades. Penicillin was regarded as a miracle drug 70 years ago. Over the decades, many new generations of antibiotics have been used. In fact, the pace at which bacteria become resistant to one class of antibiotics is probably faster than the drug companies can […]

Jan 15, 2012

“You Better Watch Out” for the Slippery Winter”

Public Health Community Advisory “You Better Watch Out” for the Slippery Winter by Joseph Ka-Chun Siu, PT, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental, Agricultural, and Occupational Health Winter is a wonderful time of the year, bringing, among other things, holiday celebrations. However it also brings snow, sleet, and ice, which can make sidewalks and pathways […]

Jan 15, 2012

The Rediscovery of Medical Humanities

Public Health in the National News The Rediscovery of Medical Humanities by Virginia Aita, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion, Social and Behavioral Health A renewed interest in the medical humanities arose with the bioethics movement in the 1970s. The medical humanities consist of works of history, literature, philosophy, and religion that intersect with […]

Jan 15, 2012

Dr. Rautiainen Focuses on Agricultural Health and Safety

Spotlight on Research at COPH “Farmer run over and pinned under rear wheel of a tractor,” “Rancher knocked down by a cow while moving cattle on ranch,” “Two workers overcome by toxic gases when pumping manure between lagoons.” These are examples of serious agricultural injuries in Nebraska last year. Agriculture is the most hazardous industry […]

Dec 15, 2011