University of Nebraska Medical Center

McGoogan News

Spring semester: What’s happening?

By Kelly Gonzalez

The library has a full calendar of events planned for Spring 2023. Watch for more details and registration closer to event dates.


Katherine Carroll will lecture on “Constructing the Modern Physician: Architecture, Science, Race, and Gender in Early Twentieth-Century Medical Centers.” This author talk is happening on zoom February 17.


Look for new rare books on display in the Wigton Heritage Center on the fifth floor of Wittson Hall and online starting in March.

Wellness Weekend returns with bowling. Enjoy food, friends, and a fun time on us! Students can sign up March 20-23 for a chance to win a gift card for bowling. Winners will be selected from all campuses on March 24.


Jaipreet Virdi is presenting her book Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures through History for the 14th annual Davis Lecture. Join us in person or on zoom April 14.


As always, there will be snacks at the library during Destress Week.

There is something for everyone at McGoogan!

DOI and PMID lookup in interlibrary loan form

By Ben Simon

A new widget has been implemented on the Interlibrary Loan article request form that allows users to submit requests using DOIs or PubMed IDs. Entering either number into the form will automatically populate the request with the full citation information. This tool has simplified interlibrary loan submissions by removing the need to manually enter citation information one field at a time. Please note that older PubMed IDs may not be accessible for look up. Contact the Interlibrary Loan department at 402-559-7085 or illdept@unmc.edu with any questions.

Data management sessions to be held

The NIH announced a new data management & sharing (DMS) policy, which goes into effect on January 25th, 2023 and will require that all NIH applications that generate scientific data must include a detailed plan on how that data will be managed and shared.

UNMC researchers who submit NIH applications are encouraged to attend these informational sessions and to review the information and resources available on UNMC’s DMS Policy page. Additional information about the DMS policy in general can be found on the NIH website

UNMC Sponsored Programs Administration, McGoogan Health Sciences Library, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research are working to ensure that our institution and its researchers are ready to meet these new policy changes. Please direct any DMS questions to researchdata@unmc.edu.

Open Forum: The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Explained 

January 6th – Noon to 1 p.m. 

Event Details 

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Writing a DMS Plan with DMPTool 

January 10th – Noon to 1 p.m. 

Event Details 

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Writing a DMS Plan with DMPTool 

January 18th – Noon to 1 p.m. 

Event Details 

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Selecting a Repository for Sharing Scientific Data 

January 24th – Noon to 1 p.m. 

Event Details 

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Annual Report now available

The library’s 2021-2022 annual report is now available online. Covered in the report:

  • Dean’s note
  • Collections
  • Education and outreach
  • Special Collections and Archives
  • Readings and lectures
  • Wigton Heritage Center
  • Voices
  • Technology
  • Space
  • DEI initiatives
  • Donations and sponsorships
  • Staff updates
  • Who we are

Holiday closures

Library services will be unavailable on December 26 and January 2 in observance of the holidays. The library will remain open 24/7 for those with a UNMC or Nebraska Medicine ID badge.