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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Library Spring Classes

Spring instructional sessions are now available for registration. The following are only but a few of the sessions available in the coming months. To view the complete list of classes, and recordings archive, visit the library’s instruction web page.

Author Rights and Copyright. February 21st, 12 pm – 1 pm. In this session, you will learn about copyright, copyright transfer agreements, and author rights. 

Writing a Data Management Plan. February 24th, 12 pm – 1 pm. We will use the new NIH DMSP 2023 template created with DMPTool to guide you through drafting a Data Management and Sharing Plan. 

Tools for Systematic Reviews. March 1st, 12 pm – 1 pm. Learn about tools that can help you conduct a systematic review. 

Selecting a Citation Manager: Moving from RefWorks to Zotero or EndNote. March 10th, 12 pm – 1 pm. Learn about EndNote and Zotero and the different features of each citation manager. 

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