University of Nebraska Medical Center

Allied Health Blog

Pictures from the SAHP Fun Run 2010

Some photos of the Fun Run from September 18, 2010.

Oct 27, 2010

PT students participate in interprofessional education opportunity with CON

It all started last summer, when Dawn Venema, PT, PhD, Asst Professor in PT Education was contacted by Margaret Kaiser, RN, PhD, Asst Professor in the College of Nursing. Dr. Kaiser was inquiring if PT students might be interested in teaching patient transfer skills to her nursing students. (For those of you who aren’t familiar […]

Oct 21, 2010

C’mon Gang! We’re falling in the poll…

If you haven’t already participated in the United Way drive, get with it! You don’t have to donate to bring our participation rankings up, just go to the site and check a box…it’s that simple. C’mon, Allied Healthers, let’s beat the rest of the campus to 100%! Incidentally, if you do want to donate, bear […]

Oct 21, 2010