University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Jim Temme … chili champ

James Temme, associate director of Radiation Science Technology Education (RSTE), talks about his passion and prowess as a chili cook-off competitor in this article from UNMC Today. Cool beans, Jim!

Oct 6, 2009

Where in UNMC is Fran?

WE HAVE A WINNER! Jan Tompkins, director of the SAHP Office of Distance Education, correctly identified my location on campus: the entrance to the Lied Transplant Center opposite the Bennett Hall courtyard. Congratulations, Jan. The Elephanto trophy is yours for a week (or two). Thanks to those who tried earlier. It does sort of look like […]

Sep 28, 2009

Walking Club Expands Times Starting Today

The SAHP Walking Club will now have two times from which to choose: 10:30AM or 2:30PM, since some folks can’t always get away in the mornings. We will continue to meet in Bennett Hall on the third floor near 3003 and leave promptly for our walks. Hope you can join us!

Sep 24, 2009