University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Next TIPS Workshop Combines Clinical and Classroom Teaching

The next Teaching Improvement Project System for Health Care Educators (TIPS) Workshop will be held June 9-11, 2010. The brochure and registration form for “Strategies for Teaching Excellence: in the Classroom and Clinical Setting,” are available on our homepage and on the news page for SAHP.

Mar 2, 2010

Karen Honeycutt tells us where cholesterol comes from

In case you missed it, Karen Honeycutt, professor in the clinical laboratory science program, appeared in an “Ask UNMC” segment on youtube. Where does cholesterol come from?

Feb 19, 2010

New Skate Peeps from the College of Nursing

I took an early, abbreviated run at the rink today at 11:30 so I’d make it back in time for a 12:30 meeting. Even had time for a taco in Sorrell on my way back. (Hey, I burned about 325 calories on the rink according to a nifty calorie calculator from Glamour Health & Fitness online.) […]

Feb 9, 2010