University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Uncategorized

Perfusion students take research on the road

Four perfusion students travelled to Reno, Nevada to present their research at the 48th International Conference of the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Conference: Stacia Woldorf “Altering Osmolarity and Potassium Levels of PRBSc and FFP with Use of Stan alone Hemoconcentrator and Wash” Kristina Schmidt “A Cardiopulmonary Bypass Technique to Physiologically Abate the Deleterious Effects […]

Apr 29, 2010

RSTE Book Drive a Success

As a service project this spring, the UNMC Radiation Science students collected gently used books and monetary donations for the purchase of books for children ages 5 – 12 years for the Miller Park Elementary School students. James Temme, associate director of RSTE, and seven students in our radiography program personally delivered 400 used books […]

Apr 27, 2010

Extended family publishes

In case you missed the blurb in UNMC Today this morning, Greg Higgins, campus security corporal (and my spouse), published six photographs in the newest issue of Plains Song Review, including the cover shot. This is the twelfth volume of the peer reviewed journal out of the Center for Great Plains Studies at UNL, which publishes […]

Apr 23, 2010