University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

SAHP — Setting the Bar

by Fran Higgins 1/27/2009 I attended the UNMC Web-Developers meeting last week and was pleased to see our SAHP website used as an example for the campus. Out of the 43 projects already converted to the Red Dot web management system, 22 were in Allied Health. Leaders! A few weeks ago, I received a call from another […]

Jan 27, 2009

Winners from SAHP Distance Ed!

Michelle Simon of SAHP Distance Education has correctly identified Fran’s whereabouts in the latest “Where in UNMC…”: In the skywalk between Swanson Hall and the DRC, and Elephanto is in her pocket! Maggie Winnicki, also from SAHP Distance Education correctly identified the holiday edition photos: #1 was taken outside our old offices in Swanson Hall, […]

Jan 22, 2009

New Arrival!

Tammy Jones in Radiography delivered a healthy baby boy on January 8, 2009 at 4:08 p.m. Noah Lawrence Jones weighed in at 6 lbs. 8 oz. Congratulations, Tammy!

Jan 12, 2009