University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

Jesse Edwards to be honored during alumni weekend

Jesse Edwards, cofounder of the Physician Assistant Education Program, will be presented with the UNMC Physician Assistant Founder’s Award during the Alumni Reunion Weekend, which is Oct. 2-3. On Friday, Oct. 2, there will be a reception at the UNMC Alumni Center (518 S. 38th St.) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Oct. […]

Sep 11, 2009

Upcoming Event

The Division of Physical Therapy Education will host national speaker and author Gary Karp on Tuesday, Sept. 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Sorrell Center, Room 3001. Karp is a motivational speaker who speaks about living with a disability, promotes disability awareness and encourages people to achieve their potential. Karp has been […]

Sep 9, 2009

Orientation 2009-2010: Professionalism!

We put a few new twists in this year’s SAHP orientation: Fast Start, T-shirts, an interdisciplinary professionalism workshop and a keynote address from the president and CEO of The Nebraska Medical Center, Glenn Fosdick. Most of our students completed their compliance training, surveys and other related orientation items on a Blackboard course, called Fast Start, […]

Sep 1, 2009

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