University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: Fran Higgins

We have a Winner!

Jan tried to hold on to Elephanto for another week, but Stephane VanderMeulen, in the Physician Assistant program, beat her by two minutes! They both correctly identified the Sorrell building. (Back when it was a whole lot warmer outside.) Congratulations, Stephane.

Oct 26, 2009

Where in UNMC are We?

Be the first to post a comment that correctly identifies the location of Fran and Elephanto in this photo, and the little elephant will keep you company for a week or two, bringing good luck, and good cheer to your office.

Oct 26, 2009

Next SAHP Research Seminar Presentation October 28, 2009

The next SAHP Research Seminar will be on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 in Bennett Hall 2020 from noon-1:00pm. Mark your calendar for Dawn Venema’s presentation: “The effects of total knee arthroplasty on postural control.”

Oct 22, 2009