University of Nebraska Medical Center

MITS faculty at annual meeting in SC

Numerous MITS faculty attended the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences annual meeting in Charleston, SC. Tanya Custer and Kim Michael presented a lecture on Case Study-Based E-Learning Modules in Radiologic Sciences Education: A Delicate Balance of Innovation, Time, and Educational Outcomes. Retired faculty Jim Temme was awarded life membership at the meeting. Several faculty also presented posters:

Rules of Engagement: Successful Collaboration between Academia and Clinical Industry – Tammy Webster, MPA, RT(R)(M); Stephanie Lough, BS, RT(R)(CT)(MR)

Student Remediation Strategies: Academic and Clinical Considerations – Tammy Webster, MPA, RT(R)(M); Greg Mehrer, MBA, RT(R); Ellie Miller, BS, RT(R)(CT), RDMS, RVT

Open Book Testing in Health Science Education: Student Perceptions and Outcomes in Ultrasound Physics ā€“ Kimberly Michael, MA, R.T.(R), RDMS, RVT, FSDMS; Tanya Custer, MS, RT(R)(T)

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