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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Radiation Science Coats and Caps for Kids Drive

As the Nebraska weather turns bitter cold, many Children in the Omaha area do not have coats, caps or gloves.

The UNMC Radiation Science students want to help with this problem. Would you help too?
We will be collecting gently used winter coats, and monetary donations for the purchase of stocking caps and gloves for children ages 5 – 12 years of age.

Coats, caps, and gloves will be collected in your area at the following location:
James Temme’s Office…5001G Bennett Hall

For cash donations please see a Radiation Science Student Representative
Or  James Temme 559-6954

The final day for donations will be Friday, November 20th, 2009.
All items will be distributed during the week of November 23rd.

Thank you for sharing the warmth!

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