Instructor in radiography Ellie Miller has been invited to sit on the Skilitics Health Advisory Board for Radiographic Positioning Simulation by the platform developer.
Skilitics Health is a virtual simulation company that provides radiographic positioning simulation experiences through non-immersive and immersive virtual reality.
Miller is leading the implementation of the Skilitics platform in the radiography curriculum. Currently, their students use the non-immersive platform on their personal devices.
“We will be installing immersive VR equipment on the Omaha and Kearney campuses at the end of this month,” said Miller. “Implementing VR into our didactic instruction is cutting edge and leading the nation in instructional practice in the radiography profession.”
Through her related research agenda and her research team’s development of their own radiography positioning simulation platform, Miller has established herself as a content expert and was sought to consult with the developers to assist in further improving their platform.