University of Nebraska Medical Center

Welcome new faculty: Sarah McBrien

The CAHP recently welcomed Sarah McBrien, MS, to our ranks as director of curricular and learning assessment.

Sarah spent six years teaching at the middle school and high school levels before joining UNMC’s College of Medicine. During her time working for the Office of Medical Education, Sarah was responsible for the assessment of students (including management of the computer-based testing program), program evaluation, and educational research. She is pursuing her PhD from the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her studies at UNL have included a broad range of topics in higher education, educational psychology, and instructional technology; but her focus and interest have been on assessment and evaluation.

Sarah is an active member of the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Division I, Education in the Professions, where she serves as the Senior Graduate Student Representative. This role includes being a member of Division I’s leadership team and serving on the AERA Graduate Student Council, which represents all 12 of AERA’s divisions.

“I enjoy reading, baking, and traveling,” she said. “My husband and I make frequent trips to Texas to see his family and have recently visited Hawaii, Colorado, Washington, DC, and Mexico.”

Welcome aboard, Sarah!

1 comment

  1. Cindy Skarda says:

    Welcome Sarah.

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