University of Nebraska Medical Center

PA Team takes the Gold!

A hint of spud lingered near the third floor entrance to Bennett Hall even after the last scavenger hunt team passed the potato. Yes, that was the task at my Spirit Week volunteer station.

As each team lined up below the walkway from Wittson to Bennett, I placed a large potato between the first person’s elbows, which they had to pass to the next person’s elbows and so on…then back. If they dropped it, they had to pick it up and start over. Out of 16 teams (I lost count, but that’s what I was told), we only had a couple of drops. They were very serious about those potatoes! (See photo gallery below.)

The winners of the 2013 Spirit Week Scavenger Hunt were from an SAHP Physician Assistant program team: Geri Finn, Ryan Wessel, and Amanda Kroymann (PA1 student). Congratulations to this highly competitive team!


Winners: Ryan Wessel, Amanda Kroymann, and Geri Finn

1 comment

  1. Michael Huckabee says:

    So proud of our PA team accomplishing the gold with forte. Congratulations, and thanks to UNMC for a fun event.

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