The “Innovations Week” celebration for Clinical Perfusion by UNeMed this year centers on an invention being developed for perfusion science. It is an “awareness” alarm designed to be used with a heart-lung machine (HLM) to “peripherally” alert a Perfusionist about flow with a HLM circuit that might place a patient at risk. Our device uses dual flow meters to generate a condition alarm that may be an overlay into any number of monitor devices (we are using a monitor screen of red, yellow and green to test it). The device responds MUCH faster than anything available on the market and generates a reaction BEFORE an untoward patient condition. Our device has the potential to revolutionize safety monitoring during cardiac surgery with a HLM!
College of Allied Health Professions
Allied Health Blog
Clinical Perfusion recognized by UNeMed
Clinical Perfusion recognized by UNeMed
- Written by Fran Higgins
- Published Oct 16, 2012
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Great work!