University of Nebraska Medical Center

Clinical Perfusion recognized by UNeMed

The “Innovations Week” celebration for Clinical Perfusion by UNeMed this year centers on an invention being developed for perfusion science. It is an “awareness” alarm designed to be used with a heart-lung machine (HLM) to “peripherally” alert a Perfusionist about flow with a HLM circuit that might place a patient at risk.  Our device uses dual flow meters to generate a condition alarm that may be an overlay into any number of monitor devices (we are using a monitor screen of red, yellow and green to test it). The device responds MUCH faster than anything available on the market and generates a reaction BEFORE an untoward patient condition.  Our device has the potential to revolutionize safety monitoring during cardiac surgery with a HLM!

1 comment

  1. M. Patricia Leuschen says:

    Great work!

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