University of Nebraska Medical Center

New SAHP video

This video was created as part of our ongoing efforts to educate the public on what allied health professions are: vital members of the health care team who comprise about 60% of the health care workforce! Please share it liberally.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YlR8oYZbxo]


  1. Michael Huckabee says:

    Nicely done!

  2. Tamara Cardin says:

    Love it! Can’t wait to use it at recruitment events & presentations!

  3. Pat Hageman says:

    Dynamic and engaging!

  4. Great video about allied health. The fact that they comprise 60% of the healthcare workforce makes this that much more meaningful. They definitely need more media exposure. They are complete specialists in their field of work. We work alongside the healthcare profession to provide the best possible health service there is.

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