University of Nebraska Medical Center

Help Fran fight extreme poverty

I’ve been living on $1.50 worth of food per day since Monday and will continue through Friday…by choice. 1.4 billion people currently live below the poverty line and don’t have a choice. In today’s world, extreme poverty and inequality are unjustifiable and unfair.

Live Below the Line demonstrates the problem in a concrete way, while raising money to address the problem. Support me as I live below the line by donating now – your generous support will go towards fighting extreme poverty. My goal is $250 by Friday afternoon and every dollar helps.

This has been an eye-opening experience for me and I would encourage everyone to give it a try for one day — $1.50 for the whole day. You can donate your savings!

Fran Higgins


1 comment

  1. fhiggins says:

    Cindy asked me what I’ve been eating. In case anyone wondered the same thing, here’s my reply:
    Instant oatmeal with raisins, apples, and walnuts (8 in a package on sale) for breakfast.
    Lunch has been either ramen or a bagel with cream cheese.
    Dinner has been either an egg sandwich or bagel with cream cheese.
    Two nights, I had enough to make a little ice cream sandwich for dessert with two cheap oatmeal cookies and a spoon of ice cream in the middle. I added a few blueberries to my bagel last night and I had a few mandarin orange segments beside the egg on Wednesday night. It’s been a challenge mainly because the choices are so limited and I’ve been sick. I didn’t have the energy to really shop and plan, otherwise I’m sure I could have been more creative.

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