To toot one’s horn or not to toot one’s horn: that was the question? The answer I received: toot away, so here goes.
I successfully presented my portfolio last week at UNO for the certificate in Advanced Writing. The fifteen credit hours for this included Grant Writing, Narrative Nonfiction, Travel Writing, Experiments in Creative Nonfiction, and Publishing Nonfiction, all of which apply to the Master’s in English I’ll wrap up in 2011.
Thank you to UNMC for the tuition remission and to the SAHP Dean’s office for their support!
Fran Higgins, BFA, ADWR

Fran Higgins, BFA ADWR
Way to go Fran!!!!!
I’m going to hire you to ghostwrite my memoirs (as soon as I can get Sarah Palin to help me with a catchy title)
Congratulations Fran! Keep up the good work. Great picture of you.
Congratulations!!! You are an amazing writer!!! Good luck in all your endeavors!!!!
Congratulations Fran!