University of Nebraska Medical Center

A Day in the Life of a UNMC PT Student

This is the first in a series of posts from some of our allied health students. Look for a new edition each week from one of the ten programs.

A day in the life of a physical therapy student usually starts with class from 8 am to noon. Normally each subject is allotted a two-hour lecture slot encompassing individual topics ranging from pediatric and neuromuscular physical therapy to business management and musculoskeletal physical therapy. An hour break over lunch provides a chance for friendly discussion between classmates and a chance to problem solve together. UNMC also presents the unique opportunity to learn from, and with, members of other professions throughout the day. After break, the class will generally meet in the lab. This is a time to practice and enhance the manual skills our profession employs regularly. Feedback is provided by both our faculty and from within our small group, usually consisting of three students. When lab is completed, the structured day is complete. However, many students stay on campus for additional hours to utilize facilities when preparing for, or reexamining class material.

Submitted by Jed Droge, UNMC Physical Therapy class of 2010

1 comment

  1. phageman says:

    Jed – You’ve clearly captured the activities of the day in the life of a PT! I greatly appreciate the lively discussions, debates, storytelling and laughter that the PT students share with their classmates, faculty and others. I’ve observed that PT students seem likely to spend extra time in the UNMC gym and to frequently enjoy eating home-baked goods – a combination of activities which seems to offer a good life-experience balance to me. Pat H

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