University of Nebraska Medical Center

Characterization of Indoor Air Quality in Residences and Schools on the Winnebago Reservation

Dr. Chandran Achutan, assistant professor in the COPH Department of Environmental, Agricultural, and Occupational Health, and Ms. Mona Zuffante, administrator of the Winnebago Health Department, will co-lead this project. Ms. Andrea Mulvenon, a graduate student in the COPH Department of Environmental, Agricultural, and Occupational Health, will assist with the project. The UNMC COPH will partner with the Winnebago Health Department to (1) characterize indoor air quality, measuring carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, radon, and particulate matter in homes and schools on the Winnebago reservation, and (2) provide hands-on research training to senior college students as a way to increase research capacity on the reservation. The long-term goal of the project is to establish a mutually respectful, sustainable, working relationship between the Winnebago Tribe and the UNMC COPH to improve the health of Winnebago residents. Carolyn K. Fiscus, director of Indigenous Studies at Little Priest Tribal College, said that “This project is of great interest to us because it addresses an important health disparity in our community, namely asthma and respiratory health.”

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