SPOTLIGHT: Coral Clark

Medical Scheduler

Before joining the Department of Psychiatry, Coral worked full-time managing a bakery in Omaha.

What are your job duties in the Department of Psychiatry and how have they changed over your time at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine?
My job duties in the department include but are not limited to scheduling new and return appointments, gender evaluations, as well as scheduling appointments for the reproductive clinic, checking in patients, and covering the front desks. My job duties will change this month as I will be handling appointments for IOP and covering other office duties while stationed over there, in addition to the duties I already do.

Department of Psychiatry Medical Schedulers Caroline Davenport and Coral Clark

What made you apply to work in the Department of Psychiatry?
I wanted to work in the Psychiatry Department to be a friendly face to people who have had their fair share of hardships. People who deserve to be treated like regular people and not looked down upon because of what they may be going through. These people are seeking help for themselves and that should be acknowledged and praised. No one wants to feel stagnant and stuck where they don’t necessarily want to be.

What are some of your future goals with the department?
Right now, I am content on where I am. I want my work to be the best it can be and represent a part of me and who I am. I don’t know where I will go from here. My only goal is to improve upon myself and help others to improve, be that person to listen and help them feel heard.

What are some of your hobbies?
I love a good story. My hobbies are reading, watching TV and movies, listening to music, and playing Animal Crossing. Right now, I am reading The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien, one of the best authors.

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