University of Nebraska Medical Center

McGoogan News

A New Chapter as an Archive Specialist for Kelly Gonzalez

McGoogan Library is happy to share that Kelly Gonzalez has joined the Robert S. Wigton Department of Special Collections and Archives (SCA) team as the new Archive Specialist. Kelly began her new role April 1. No stranger to the library, Kelly had served as an Education and Research Associate since February 2020. In that capacity she provided reference and circulation assistance for in-person and virtual library users, researched and responded to health information requests, authored digital subject guides, and liaised with the SCA department creating metadata and processing oral history interviews. Prior to working in libraries, Kelly held positions at the Sullivan Museum and History Center and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Kelly has a BA in history and an MA in military history from Norwich University. She also earned certificates in Consumer Health Information Specialist, Level 2, and Introduction to Records Management. 

When asked about her new role in the library, Kelly said, “The transition … lets me continue the great relationships I’ve made at McGoogan Library and UNMC while allowing me to return to my early career in preservation.” 

Kelly also shared that she is “excited to be able to help tell the stories of our users who I’ve come to know at the AskUs desk for the UNMC community of the future.” 

Congratulations on your new role, Kelly! 

Welcome Amelia Stoltman, new Business Operations Administrator in the library

McGoogan Library is happy to welcome Amelia Stoltman to the library as the new Business Operations Administrator. Amelia began her position on May 1.  

Amelia joins the library from the UNMC College of Nursing, where she has been an Administrator with the Transformational Practice and Partnerships (TPP) unit since 2017. While there, she managed operations of the TPP, including Morehead Center for Nursing Practice, Continuing Interprofessional Development and Innovation and Global Health departments. She has recently published articles on storytelling in nursing education, primary care nurse practitioner’s transition to practice, and optimizing faculty nursing practice. Amelia is a UNMC 2022 Gold U recipient.  

Before joining UNMC, Amelia was the Director of Development and an Education and Outreach Coordinator at All Care Health Center in Council Bluffs. Amelia holds an MPH in Emergency Preparedness from UNMC, an MS in Bioscience Management from Heider College of Business at Creighton University, and a BS in Biology and Theology from Creighton University. 

When asked about her favorite place at the library, Amelia responded, “Hands down The Spine. It’s simultaneously breathtaking and calming.” 

In her spare time, Amelia loves to play board games with her husband and kiddo and walk her two dogs! (boo cats) 

Amelia shares that she is “very excited to join the library team!” The library is excited to have her join the team. Welcome, Amelia! 

View the library’s directory.

Welcome 2024 SURP students

The McGoogan Library is excited to welcome the 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) students to UNMC. During your time at UNMC, you will have access to the library’s online collections, as well as the physical space.

Please reach out for assistance. Our team is here to assist you with formulating research questions, using library resources and services, citation management, and more. Contact us via the AskUs form located on the library website or via email.

Congratulations on your acceptance into the Summer Undergraduate Research Program and, most importantly, welcome to UNMC!

History Comes Alive: 24th & Glory

Motivation to solve complex problems of TODAY can be found through learning the inspiring stories of those who came BEFORE US.  

Dirk Chatelain, local author and speaker, will share the inspiring story of significant American social movements, through the lens of five Black professional athletes and the Omaha neighborhood that lifted them to success. 

This event is open to the UNMC community. A limited number of copies of Dirk’s book, 24th & Glory, will be given to registrants. Event co-sponsored by Office of Faculty Development, McGoogan Health Sciences Library, and Office of Community Engagement. 

Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024
Time: noon– 1 p.m.
Location: MSC 4053 and via Zoom (registration required)

RSVP for the event to receive the Zoom link and additional event info.

24th & Glory book cover
Purple and cream graphic with copy that says Complex problems of TODAY can be better solved with an understanding of our PAST
Purple and cream graphic with copy that says You + History + Broadened Perspectives + Engagement with Community = YOU, better

What’s New in AI at UNMC?

We have learned a lot about AI over the last several months! “What’s New in AI at UNMC?” is a monthly online discussion series that provides a chance to talk with colleagues across UNMC about how they have encountered or integrated AI in their work.  

The inaugural session is set for Wednesday, June 19, 2024, from 9–10 a.m. via Zoom. This session will focus on generative AI guidance from professional associations and research institutions that may impact UNMC faculty and staff.   

Future discussions will include topics such as: reviews of current AI projects at UNMC, updated AI policies and protocols, and emerging topics in the field of generative AI.   

This series is open to all UNMC colleagues and will be conducted via Zoom.   

“What’s New in AI at UNMC?” is brought to you by the UNMC AI Task Force co-chairs, Rachel Lookadoo (College of Public Health) and Emily Glenn (McGoogan Health Sciences Library). 

“What’s New in AI at UNMC?” schedule:  

  • Wed., June 19 | 9–10 a.m. via Zoom
  • Wed., August 21 | 9–10 a.m. via Zoom
  • Fall discussion dates are forthcoming.   

This series follows the UNMC AI Task Force work, contributes to a “community of practice” and occurs in coordination with the July 23, 2024 Generative AI at UNMC | Summer Symposium. 

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