University of Nebraska Medical Center

McGoogan News

Architectural History Lecture on Early Twentieth-Century Medical Centers on February 17

Update: View the recording online.

The McGoogan Health Sciences Library is hosting a virtual lecture by Katherine L. Carroll, PhD, on February 17 at noon. The presentation is titled “Constructing the Modern Physician: Architecture, Science, Race, and Gender in Early Twentieth-Century Medical Centers.”

In the decades just before and after 1900, medical schools and their teaching hospitals were rebuilt throughout the United States. Carroll argues that these new, large structures celebrated the shifts underway in medical science, physicians’ training, and physicians’ professional identity. To this end, educators and architects worked hard to include the local community in the construction process and to create attractive and inviting structures. At the same time, however, a close study of these facilities reveals the limits of educators’ and philanthropists’ visions. The school buildings encouraged hierarchies between physicians based on race and gender. Carroll will incorporate examples from the history of the University of Nebraska Medical Center in her lecture.  

Dr. Carroll is an architectural historian based in Albany, New York. Support for her research has come from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, the Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies, the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, and the Rockefeller Archive Center. Carroll recently published her first book, Building Schools, Making Doctors: Architecture and the Modern American Physician (University of Pittsburgh Press). She has also presented widely on medical school design and taught most recently at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. She earned a BA from Williams College and a PhD in the History of Art and Architecture from Boston University. 

Writing Center @ UNMC offers writing help

The Writing Center @ UNMC offers free one-on-one consultations with trained advisors to all University of Nebraska Medical Center students, faculty, and staff to help improve writing abilities, critical thinking and productive reading skills, and effective communication. The Writing Center @ UNMC is staffed by consultants from the University of Nebraska Omaha Writing Center. The service is available within the McGoogan Health Sciences Library during the spring and fall semesters, with online sessions available.

Writing projects supported by this service include:

  • Course papers
  • Proposals
  • Applications
  • Résumés
  • Cover letters
  • Scholarly articles
  • Theses and dissertations

Consultants provide assistance with:

  • Deciding on a topic
  • Generating ideas
  • Focusing, organizing, or expanding ideas
  • Improving grammar and writing style
  • Handling technical details of documentation and format
  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • Understanding different forms of writing
  • Becoming a more confident, comfortable writer

For the spring 2023 semester, the Writing Center @ UNMC is open Mondays and Wednesdays 12 pm – 5 pm (in person) and Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 pm – 5 pm (online). The Writing Center is located in the library, room 6004. Online consultations are available during this time and other hours. Appointments can be scheduled online.

If you write, you need an ORCID

ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) provides a free, persistent digital identifier that allows you to manage a record of your authorship and research activities. 

Author ambiguity in the scholarly research community is a persistent problem due to similar or commons names, name changes, and cultural differences in name presentation. ORCID allows you to distinguish yourself from other researchers and to unambiguously associate your identity with your scholarly work. ORCID is integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services. At University of Nebraska Medical Center, your ORCID profile will be linked to your Research Nebraska profile

Your ORCID iD:

  • distinguishes you and ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you
  • reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations
  • reduces form-filling (enter data once, re-use it often)
  • improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs
  • is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers)
  • is persistent (enduring)

To learn how to set up an ORCID ID, have your account associated with your UNMC Net ID, and link your articles with Scopus, see the registration handout below. Questions? Email askus@unmc.edu

Spring semester: What’s happening?

By Kelly Gonzalez

The library has a full calendar of events planned for Spring 2023. Watch for more details and registration closer to event dates.


Katherine Carroll will lecture on “Constructing the Modern Physician: Architecture, Science, Race, and Gender in Early Twentieth-Century Medical Centers.” This author talk is happening on zoom February 17.


Look for new rare books on display in the Wigton Heritage Center on the fifth floor of Wittson Hall and online starting in March.

Wellness Weekend returns with bowling. Enjoy food, friends, and a fun time on us! Students can sign up March 20-23 for a chance to win a gift card for bowling. Winners will be selected from all campuses on March 24.


Jaipreet Virdi is presenting her book Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures through History for the 14th annual Davis Lecture. Join us in person or on zoom April 14.


As always, there will be snacks at the library during Destress Week.

There is something for everyone at McGoogan!

DOI and PMID lookup in interlibrary loan form

By Ben Simon

A new widget has been implemented on the Interlibrary Loan article request form that allows users to submit requests using DOIs or PubMed IDs. Entering either number into the form will automatically populate the request with the full citation information. This tool has simplified interlibrary loan submissions by removing the need to manually enter citation information one field at a time. Please note that older PubMed IDs may not be accessible for look up. Contact the Interlibrary Loan department at 402-559-7085 or illdept@unmc.edu with any questions.

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