University of Nebraska Medical Center

Take Advantage of Open Access Publishing Discounts

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Cambridge University Press has been added to the list of publishers offering Open Access (OA) publishing discounts to UNMC authors.  

UNMC authors whose articles are accepted on or after January 1, 2024, for publication in most Cambridge University Press journals (download list of participating journals) can choose to publish their work OA at no cost to themselves. Eligible article types include research articles, rapid communications, review articles, brief reports, and case reports with a UNMC corresponding author. 

Open Access Publishing at UNMC 

The McGoogan Health Sciences Library supports OA publishing at UNMC through participation in agreements with a number of scholarly publishers. These agreements enable UNMC authors to publish their articles OA in selected journals at no cost to themselves. 

View a list of current OA publishing agreements. 

For questions regarding these agreements, contact Heather Brown, Scholarly Communications Librarian. 

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